高效率编辑器 VIM-操作篇,非常适合 VIM 新手
Vi and Vim Editor: 12 Powerful Find and Replace Examples

100 Vim commands every programmer should know

marz posted @ Aug 11, 2010 06:50:08 AM in tool-vim with tags vim technique cheats definition , 2573 readers


Since the 70's, Vi is one of the programmer's best friend. Nevermind you're new to Vi or not, here's a big list of 100 useful commands, organized by topic, which will make your coder life better.


:e filename

Open filename for edition


Save file


Exit Vim


Exit Vim without saving



Search word from top to bottom


Search word from bottom to top


Search john or joan

/\< the

Search the, theatre or then


Search the or breathe

/\< the\>

Search the

/\< ¦.\>

Search all words of 4 letters


Search fred but not alfred or frederick


Search fred or joe


Search exactly 4 digits


Find 3 empty lines

:bufdo /searchstr/

Search in all open files



Replace all occurences of old by new in file


Replace all occurences with confirmation


Replace all occurences between lines 2 and 35


Replace all occurences from line 5 to EOF


Replace the begining of each line by hello


Replace the end of each line by Harry


Replace onward by forward, case unsensitive

:%s/ *$//g

Delete all white spaces


Delete all lines containing string


Delete all lines containing which didnt contain string


Replace the first occurence of Bill by Steve in current line


Replace Bill by Steve in current line


Replace Bill by Steve in all the file


Delete DOS carriage returns (^M)


Transform DOS carriage returns in returns


Delete HTML tags but keeps text


Delete lines which appears twice


Increment number under the cursor


Decrement number under cursor


Change text to Rot13



Lowercase line


Uppercase line


Invert case


Switch word to uppercase


Modify word case


Set all text to lowercase

:set ignorecase

Ignore case in searches

:set smartcase

Ignore case in searches excepted if an uppercase letter is used


Sets first letter of each word to uppercase


Sets first letter of each word to lowercase


Sets first letter of each line to uppercase


Sets first letter of each line to lowercase

Read/Write files

:1,10 w outfile

Saves lines 1 to 10 in outfile

:1,10 w >> outfile

Appends lines 1 to 10 to outfile

:r infile

Insert the content of infile

:23r infile

Insert the content of infile under line 23

File explorer

:e .

Open integrated file explorer


Split window and open integrated file explorer

:browse e

Graphical file explorer


List buffers

:cd ..

Move to parent directory


List files

:args *.php

Open file list

:grep expression *.php

Returns a list of .php files contening expression


Open file name under cursor

Interact with Unix


Execute the pwd unix command, then returns to Vi


Execute the pwd unix command and insert output in file


Temporary returns to Unix


Retourns to Vi



Align all lines


Align all lines at the current position


Align the next 5 lines



Creates a new tab


Show next tab


Show first tab


Show last tab

:tabm n(position)

Rearrange tabs

:tabdo %s/foo/bar/g

Execute a command in all tabs

:tab ball

Puts all open files in tabs

Window spliting

:e filename

Edit filename in current window

:split filename

Split the window and open filename

ctrl-w up arrow

Puts cursor in top window

ctrl-w ctrl-w

Puts cursor in next window


Maximise current window


Gives the same size to all windows

10 ctrl-w+

Add 10 lines to current window

:vsplit file

Split window vertically

:sview file

Same as :split in readonly mode


Close current window


Close all windows, excepted current

:b 2

Open #2 in this window


Ctrl+n Ctrl+p (in insert mode)

Complete word

Ctrl+x Ctrl+l

Complete line

:set dictionary=dict

Define dict as a dictionnary

Ctrl+x Ctrl+k

Complete with dictionnary



Marks current position as k


Moves cursor to mark k


Delete all until mark k


:ab mail mail@provider.org

Define mail as abbreviation of mail@provider.org

Text indent

:set autoindent

Turn on auto-indent

:set smartindent

Turn on intelligent auto-indent

:set shiftwidth=4

Defines 4 spaces as indent size

ctrl-t, ctrl-d

Indent/un-indent in insert mode





Syntax highlighting

:syntax on

Turn on syntax highlighting

:syntax off

Turn off syntax highlighting

:set syntax=perl

Force syntax highlighting


从 <http://www.catswhocode.com/blog/100-vim-commands-every-programmer-should-know> 插入

Felix said:
Jun 03, 2021 12:26:54 AM

By reading the data you described here, I think 100 Vim commands are very important to programmers. national margarita day It just needed to begin a console window and enter the command line needed, in order to learn and practice.

zaiya said:
Sep 29, 2021 10:16:17 AM

This was very helpful for me to know about this one. the page here There was a lot of things that I go through from here. The alignments and the commands was too clear and understanding for me. Thank you.

YEST said:
Oct 01, 2021 02:01:24 PM

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juvanta said:
Oct 01, 2021 02:19:30 PM

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